Author Archives: Costas

AIJP grants patronage to NOTOS 2015

logo_AIJP_Patronat201531 December 2014: The International Association of Philatelic Journalists (Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques, AIJP, honors NOTOS 2015 by granting its patronage. Τhe exhibition is open to and will welcome Philatelic Literature exhibitors from all over the world with no restriction on the subject.

Happy New Year!

logo_happy_new_year30 December 2014: NOTOS 2015 Organizing Committee wishes you a Happy and Prosperous New Year and hopes to see you all in Athens next November!

AIEP General Meeting 2015 in Athens

logo_AIEP 15 December 2014: The AIEP (Association Internationale des Experts en Philatélie) announced that next year’s General Meeting will take place in Athens during NOTOS 2015. Date and time was confirmed: Saturday 14 November 2015, 14:00-17:00 hrs. The General Meeting venue TBA.

One year exactly before the grand opening!

12 November 2014: It is exactly one year from now until the grand opening of NOTOS 2015 which will take place on 12 November 2015! Most of the National Commissioners have already been appointed by their respective Federations and the rest are expected during the next few days. The Entry Form for the exhibitors will then be uploaded.