Κατηγορία Εκτός Συναγωνισμού
A1. Επίτιμη Τάξη
Andreadis, Stavros |
8 |
“Kassandra” – Large Hermes heads of Greece (1861-1886) |
Frenes, Norbert |
8 |
Postal history of Greece from 1861 to 1885 |
Hackmey, Joseph |
12 |
Classic France |
A2. Επίσημη Τάξη |
Apostolou, Eleni (Hellenic Post – Philatelic Bureau) |
2 |
Artist’s conception of contemporary philatelic issues |
Gourzis, Yannis |
2 |
Engravings |
Lygka, Anthoula (Hellenic Post – Philatelic Bureau) |
2 |
Artist’s conception of contemporary philatelic issues |
Venieri, Theano (Hellenic Post – Philatelic Bureau) |
2 |
Artist’s conception of contemporary philatelic issues |
A3. Τάξη Κριτών
Christou, Akis |
8 |
Cyprus 1880-1896: The Victorian issues |
Galinos, Alexandre |
8 |
Un Levant Français inconnu, 1915-1923 |
Papadopoulos, Alexios |
8 |
The British Postal Service in the Levant, 1857-1923 |
Samra, Sherif |
1 |
Egypt 1879 Provisional Issue |
Thomareis, George |
8 |
Postal history of Thessaloniki, 15th c. to 1914 |
Virvilis, Anthony |
8 |
The role of health offices and lazarets in Greece |
ISFILA 2014 Turkish stamps catalogue 1863-2013 |
A4. Τάξη ειδικών εκθεμάτων
Simmermacher, René |
3 |
Österreichische Postdienste auf Corfu/Kerkyra |
Κατηγορία Συναγωνισμού
B1. Διακεκριμένη Τάξη (CC) |
Panchev, Spas |
8 |
Pre-liberation post offices in Bulgaria 1840-1879 |
Chauvet, Michèle |
8 |
Hermès, 1ère émission de Grèce sur le courrier international 1861-1882 |
Dutau, Guy J. |
8 |
Les lettres purifiées françaises en métropole et dans les pays occupés |
Fanchini, Louis Pierre |
5 |
Fabrication and postal usage of the Large Hermes Heads – Paris printings |
Hadida, Maurice |
8 |
Morocco postal history (1852-1925): Selection of the four foreign Post Offices (French, British, Spanish and German) |
Bauer, Wolfgang |
8 |
Greece: Incoming and outgoing mail 1828 to 1875 – Destinations and combination frankings |
Knapp, Arnim |
8 |
Correspondence of the Kingdom of Saxony with the “Old Italian States” |
Maassen, Wolfgang |
W. Maassen / V. Schouberechts: Milestones of the philatelic literature of the 19th century |
Maia, Júlio Pedroso |
8 |
That glorious deed… |
Ozbek, Ali |
8 |
The Duloz Issues of the Ottoman Empire 1865-1882 |
Basaran, Mehmet |
8 |
Ottoman Empire 1st issues – Tughra stamps 1863-1865 |
C1. Παραδοσιακός Φιλοτελισμός (TR) |
Panchev, Spas |
5 |
East Roumelia and South Bulgaria |
Todorov, Orlin |
8 |
Bulgaria “Small Lion” (1889-1901) |
Karagiannidis, Anestis |
5 |
1896 Olympics |
Karagiannidis, Anestis |
8 |
Small Hermes Heads of Greece 1886-1901 |
Bilandzic, Tihomir |
1 |
Von idee bis verwendung “28. Oktober 1918” |
Athanassiou, Costas |
5 |
Cyprus from the Austrian Post Office to the issues of Queen Victoria 1845-1896 |
Charatsis, Demetris |
5 |
Queen Victoria issues – Errors and varieties 1880-1896 |
Mortensen, Per Friis |
8 |
Slovenia 1919-1921 |
Nielsen, Bent |
5 |
Large Hermes Head |
Saintot, Olivier |
1 |
Les timbres-poste au type écusson oblitérés par avance |
Savevski, Stevan |
1 |
Air mail issues of USSR stamps in the period of 1922-1938 |
Agorastos, Christos |
5 |
Eastern Rumelia |
Calliga, Stephano A. |
8 |
The Large Hermes Head – Specialized exhibit “Alexandros” |
Cangelaris, Panayotis |
1 |
The Czech Scout Post 1918 |
Cangelaris, Panayotis |
1 |
The Glory Issue of Greece (1945) |
Cangelaris, Panayotis |
5 |
The Kingdom of Egypt (1922-1953) |
Cangelaris, Panayotis |
1 |
The Mafeking Blues 1900 |
Cangelaris, Panayotis |
1 |
The Western Thrace Autonomous Government “Muhtariyet” Issue (1913) |
Garilidis, Nikolaos |
5 |
The felix and very rich hours of the Large Hermes Heads: a challenge for the collector |
Manoloudis, Antony |
5 |
The Lithographic Issue of 1912-1938 |
Tsironis, Michalis E. |
8 |
The Olympic Issue of Greece 1906 |
Glassman, Les |
8 |
Mocambique and Mocambique Company |
Shtern, Shlomo |
1 |
The road to Jerusalem |
Biraghi, Daniele |
8 |
The Siracusana |
Fumu, Antonello |
8 |
Classic Peru – 1857/73 |
Fumu, Antonello |
1 |
The “Sun” four issues of Uruguay – 1856/62 |
Plugaru, Gheorghe |
1 |
Personalized stamps of Moldova – Tiny windows to the world |
Blijleven, Jan R. |
5 |
Greece – Stamps with a perfin |
Nanjee, Ali Raza |
5 |
France 1871 – The 25 cents Cérès |
Nanjee, Iqbal Hussain |
8 |
Ottoman Turkey: Duloz issues (1865-75) |
Barreiros, Luís Manuel Moreira |
5 |
Portuguese India “The Native Issues” 1871-1885 |
Pereira, Claudino |
5 |
Proofs and essays in the reign of King Luís I |
Soeiro, João Lopes |
5 |
Independence of Portugal issues |
Iordache, Victor |
8 |
1893/1908 – Romania – “The ear of wheat” |
Iordache, Victor |
8 |
Romania 1872-1880 |
Barać, Goran |
1 |
Local issue Doboj – Republika Srpska |
Janković, Milan |
1 |
The first edition of definitive stamps in the Federal Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia |
Radanović, Radenko |
1 |
Specialties on the stamps of Republika Srpska |
Tadić, Đorđe |
5 |
Summer Olympic Games 1896-2012 |
Vlajnić, Boris |
1 |
The first definitive issue of the Kingdom of SHS 1921 |
Markač, Marko |
5 |
Provisional Issue Bosnia and Herzegovina 1918-1920 |
Petauer, Bostjan |
5 |
Bosnia & Herzegovina 1914 |
De Quesada, Eugenio |
5 |
Telegraph stamps of Cuba (1868-1896) |
Perez, Rafael |
8 |
Spain: Alfonso XII issues |
Yazgan, Kamil Serdar |
5 |
Republic of Turkiye (From Empire to Republic) |
C2. Ταχυδρομική Ιστορία (PH)
Basho, Jovan |
5 |
Postal history during Italian occupation of Albania (1939-1943) |
Gimjani, Muharem |
5 |
The postal history of Albanian Kingdom |
Nika, Thimjo |
1 |
Austrian military posts in Albania 1916-1918 |
Schöpfer, Klaus M. |
5 |
The Sanjak Novi Pazar – Post offices and services until 1918 |
Barneva, Lyudmila |
5 |
Bulgaria – Post offices of royal palaces & royal mail 1886-1946 |
Todorov, Orlin |
5 |
Bulgaria rural mail |
Forbes, John Alexander |
5 |
Cyprus – Air mail usages paid with King George VI definitives |
Forbes, John Alexander |
5 |
Cyprus – King George VI definitives used on surface mail |
Glavic, Matej |
1 |
Novska – Travelling post |
Pervan, Berislav |
5 |
Concentration camp mail in the Independent State of Croatia 1941-1945 |
Stefanovic, Zeljko |
5 |
Independent State Of Croatia: Postal Rates 1941-45 |
Ioannou, Christakis |
1 |
The postmarks used at the post offices of the Cyprus Government Railway 21.10.1905-31.12.1951 |
Theophilou, Stelios |
8 |
Cyprus civil censorship 1914-1959 |
Vanicek, Vit |
8 |
The postal history of Austrian Navy |
Hamdy, Nael |
5 |
The postal history of Egypt 1875-1913 |
Mady, Tarek Mokhtar |
1 |
Shibin El-Kom postmarks 1870-1922 |
Salam, Hany |
8 |
Egypt: Maritime mail routes, 19th century |
Shoukry, Ibrahim Ismail |
5 |
Light railways of Egyptian travelling post offices 1900-1945 |
Yousef, Ahmed |
1 |
1897 Provisionally overprinted Egyptian stamps |
Abensur, Brigitte |
8 |
Utilisation des timbres au type Siège |
Abensur, Robert |
5 |
A voile ou à vapeur entre la France et l’étranger 1828-1849 |
Andrivon, Didier |
5 |
Le courrier à Marseille, des origines à 1876 |
Dewulf, Jean-Philippe |
1 |
100f Marianne de Gandon |
Kahn, Serge |
5 |
Charcot in the Antarctic |
Lasserre, Serge |
5 |
Le courrier pendant la pèriode de la poste Cantonale dans les Vosges |
Sevin, Guy |
5 |
Envoi d’une carte de visite pour 5 ctme maximum (1856-1924) |
Taparel, Henri |
8 |
Inflation et tarifs postaux en Russie (août 1917 – octobre 1923) |
Hantzaridis, Nikolaus |
5 |
Germany WWII: Inselpost 1944/45 |
Knapp, Arnim |
1 |
The haste when receiving messages in the 19th century |
Arvanitis, Thomas |
5 |
The prephilatelic period of the Hellenic Postal Service |
Cardassilaris, Nicos |
5 |
Greek post offices in Asia Minor during the 1919-1922 campaign |
Cardassilaris, Nicos |
5 |
Greek post offices in Eastern Thrace 1920-1922 |
Daes, Ioannis |
1 |
Postal seals (1829-1834) |
Karanikolas, Nikolaos |
5 |
Inselpost: The German military postal service of the Aegean Islands in 1944-1945 |
Koutsounakis, Manolis |
1 |
The German Imperial Navy in Cretan blockade 1897-1898 |
Mylonakis, Manolis |
8 |
Postal history of Crete |
Nikolaidis, Andreas |
5 |
Postal history of Pontus until 1923 |
Paschos, Athanasios |
1 |
The Exchange Control in Thessaloniki 1936-1951 |
Perin, George |
1 |
Dodecanese – Censorship during the Italian rule 1915-1944 |
Perin, George |
5 |
Dodecanese – Postmarks of the Italian postal service 1912-1943 |
Petradakis, Michail S. |
5 |
The Ottoman Post Offices of the Dodecanese 1868-1913 |
Ritoridis, Adrian |
1 |
The suspension of postal services between the USA and Greece in WWII |
Savopoulos, Alexandros |
8 |
The triple occupation of Greece during World War II |
Sotiropoulos, Georges |
1 |
La présence des Serbes à Corfou pendant la Grande Guerre 1916-1918 |
Sotiropoulos, Georges |
5 |
Taxes, modalités de taxation et traitement des lettres et des cartes postales dans le régime internationale, de et vers la Grèce 01.01.1899 – 31.12.1921 (Conventions de Washington et de Rome) |
Tsipidis, Michael |
1 |
Italian Occupation of the Aegean Islands May 1941 to November 1943 |
Vlachos, Gerasimos Michael |
8 |
Ionian Islands – Postal history 1428-1864 |
Voyatzis, John |
5 |
The Dardanelles campaign – 1915 |
Faibel, Hedy |
8 |
Disinfection of mail in Europe 1450-1900 |
Faibel, Hedy |
5 |
Teleorman County (Romania) postal system 1829-1899 |
Keller, Yuly |
5 |
RSFSR – Revaluation of Imperial Russia stamps during the hyperinflation period (1917-1923) |
Kossoy, Meer |
1 |
Telegraph forms of Russia (1858-1879) |
Kremener, Mordecai |
8 |
Postal services in Beyrouth, Lebanon, until 1918 |
Leibu, Eddie |
5 |
Romania: outbound mail, from the Crimean War to the UPU |
Carloni, Mario Angelo |
8 |
Dodecanese |
Magnani, Giorgio |
8 |
The Transatlantic mail services – Incoming mail from Central-South America to Italy since 1837 up to the end of the century |
Manzati , Claudio Ernesto M. |
5 |
Express service in italy (1890-2001) and its precursors from XV century |
Morani, Vittorio |
5 |
Tuscany |
Nembrini, Giovanni |
8 |
Mail system with the stamps of Umberto I of Italy from 15/08/1879 to 30/09/1902 |
Panza, Marco |
5 |
The postal rates and the franchise in the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy 1805-1814 |
Perricone, Giulio |
5 |
Rural post offices in Sicily during the period of the “Corsivi” postmarks |
Rigo, Franco |
8 |
Venice, the contagion, the quarantine, the disinfection, the quarantine hospitals … (postal history of the health office from the XVI to the XIX century) |
Traina, Giuseppe |
5 |
The use of 1 Lira stamps from Italy Ancient States to the Italian Republic |
Katuric, Djordje |
8 |
Bokelian seaman letters from and to sailing vessels 1830-1890 |
Katuric, Jelisaveta |
1 |
Marine feldpost from Austroungarian navy ships 1914-1918 |
Katuric, Tomo |
5 |
Occupation Montenegro and Bocca di Cataro 1941-1945 |
Katuric, Tomo |
8 |
Postal history of Bocca di Cataro 1809-1875 |
Nanjee, Adnan Hussain |
5 |
France and the Great War… |
Nanjee, Afzal Hussain |
5 |
Ottoman Empire – Bagdad Vilayet – Iraq (1876-1915) |
Nanjee, Afzal Hussain |
5 |
Ottoman Empire and role of British P.O’s Iraq (UPU to 1914) |
Nanjee, Iqbal Hussain |
8 |
Postal history of the Greek-Turkish War (1919-1922)… including Eastern Thrace |
Lima Torres, Manuel |
8 |
Portugal – Portuguese pre-philately |
Boričić, Aleksandar |
5 |
Partisan correspondence of Yugoslavia 1943-1945 |
Boričić, Aleksandar |
5 |
Serbia and Montenegro in Balkan wars 1912-1913 |
Boričić, Aleksandar |
5 |
The occupation of Montenegro in WW I |
Boričić, Aleksandar |
5 |
The occupation of Montenegro in WW II |
Krstić, Aleksandar |
5 |
Serbian army on Greek territory in WW I |
Radovanović, Milan |
1 |
Serbian telegraphic mail during the WW I |
Tangl, Ivan |
1 |
Petrovarad in prestamp philately period 1771-1850 |
Gustin, Veselko |
5 |
Trieste, Gorizia, and Slovene littoral, 1918-1938 |
Tomc, Alojz |
1 |
The Italian military post office no. 59 during World War II |
De Melo Caravela, Adelino Adrião |
8 |
Pre-philately – Handwritten marks |
Sohrne, Bjorn |
5 |
Postal story of Yemen 1873-1940 |
Akan, Mehmet |
8 |
The last post office of the Ottoman Empire: Ankara 1841-1945 |
Giray, Kemal |
5 |
PoWs in Turkey during the Great War |
Hackmey, Joseph |
5 |
Ottoman Post Offices in Greece |
Melek, Cemil Sukru |
5 |
Postal history of Hatay region |
Mellaart, Alan Christopher |
8 |
Ottoman Empire postal history of Greece 1840-1912 |
Orkut, Mehmet Hakan |
5 |
Postal history of the Ottoman Empire |
Oztuncay, Bahattin |
8 |
Ottoman Fieldpost Offices during WWI |
Papuccuoglu, Hulya |
8 |
Ottoman Empire postal history 1840-1862 |
Tokoğlu, Necip |
5 |
Ottoman postal history from Istanbul to the Balkans 1840-1918 |
Tunaci, Atadan |
5 |
Ottoman Fieldpost 1914-1918 |
Tunaci, Atadan |
8 |
Ottoman Railway postal history |
C3. Ταχυδρομικά Μονόφυλλα (PS) |
Novakovic, Damir |
5 |
Postal stationery of the Kingdom of the S.H.S. and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1921-1941 |
Bardin, Guy |
8 |
French sage stationery and money orders |
Logette, Jean-François |
5 |
Greece – Large Hermes Head postal stationery |
Vaz Pereira, Pedro |
8 |
Azores and Madeira – Postal stationery of monarchy |
Gustin, Veselko |
1 |
Landstrass-Kostanjevica na Krki, 1836-1945 |
Petauer, Bostjan |
1 |
Bosnian Postal Stationery 1879-1899 |
Rodriguez, Paloma |
5 |
Spain – Postal stationery (1873-1939) |
Corapcioglu, Yavuz |
8 |
Postal Stationery of the Ottoman Empire |
C4. Αεροφιλοτελισμός (AE)
Eliashiv, Yehoshua |
8 |
The postal history of Latvian air mail 1921-1940 |
Cosh, Graham |
8 |
German aerophilately 1888-1938 |
Gomez-Aguero Jimenez, Jose Pedro |
8 |
Air mail on Spanish lands 1919-1939 |
Pastor, Vicente |
5 |
Vuelos catapultados |
C5. Αστροφιλοτελισμός (AS)
Lafon, Jean-Louis |
5 |
The European rockets |
Ritoridis, Adrian |
1 |
The Nazi rocket mail |
Villa, Mario |
8 |
Earth calls Space |
Rigo, Antoni |
1 |
Animales en el espacio |
Rigo, Antoni |
1 |
Dragon a la Estacion Espacial Internacional |
C6. Χαρτόσημα (RE)
Keramidoglou, Fotis |
1 |
The revenues of Thrace 1920-1922 |
Petradakis, Michail S. |
5 |
The revenue stamps of the Dodecanese |
Van der Vliet, Oscar Cornelis Gerardus |
5 |
Captured on an island! Revenues of Crete |
C7. Θεματικός Φιλοτελισμός (TH)
Aronis, Henri |
5 |
Les dents dans leur environnement |
Constantourakis, George |
5 |
Greco-Roman Sculpture, Historical Development |
Gennadiou, Antonis |
5 |
Pre-war Olympic philately from hosting countries: The first sponsors and promoters of Olympic Games |
Ioannou, Anastasia |
5 |
Flowers: Medicinal, therapeutic and other related uses |
Habé, Egon |
8 |
Si la boulangerie-pâtisserie m’était contée |
Herrmann, Daniel |
5 |
Olympism, the perpetual battle by renovators |
Pavleski, Sinisha |
1 |
A parrot’s life for me |
Pavleski, Sinisha |
1 |
Rooster – Potent and brave |
Popovski, Klime |
1 |
Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius the Slav teachers and patrons of Europe |
Popovski, Klime |
1 |
The Economy issues, a part of the Yugoslavian definitive stamps |
Chalvatzidopoulos, Ioakeim |
5 |
Football |
Olympios, Evangelos |
5 |
Theatre |
Panagopoulos, Yannis |
1 |
A short philatelic review of Panamerican flying boats |
Poularakis, Efstathios |
1 |
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry – A poet of aviation |
Duek, Paulo |
1 |
Ayrton Senna 1960-1994 |
Mey – Raz, Yohanan |
5 |
Watch yourself very carefully |
Calani, Gianantonio |
5 |
The old dream of 4 wheels |
Picconi, Salvatore |
1 |
The nuragic civilization |
Hrustovici, Viorica |
5 |
Woman in family life and society |
Milu, Constantin |
5 |
The Olympic stamps for First Olympic Games 1896 and Decennial 1906 |
Nicolau, Victor |
1 |
Beethoven, the miracle of music |
Vasile, Paul |
1 |
The Beatles story |
Vazquez, Aaron |
5 |
Cipango way |
Agaogullari, Mehmet Edip |
8 |
The Summer Olympic Games |
C8. Μαξιμαφιλία (MA)
Nikolov, Nikolay |
1 |
Michelangelo Buonarroti – The genius with four souls |
Nikolov, Nikolay |
5 |
The art of Italian renaissance |
Constantourakis, George |
8 |
Greco-Roman Sculpture |
Antoniou, Georghios |
5 |
Going through the European castles |
Bandry, Pascal |
5 |
Andorra |
Bouveret, Bruno |
5 |
Lighthouses and seamarks all over the world |
Cochet, Serge |
5 |
Two centuries of painting from Watteau to Toulouse-Lautrec |
Georgiev, Doncho |
1 |
Ohrid – City of UNESCO |
Chalkiadakis , Antoine |
5 |
Messages de la Bible |
Samanidis, Konstantinos |
5 |
Insects …and their unknown world |
Barducci, Celeste |
5 |
Personnages cèlébres D’Europe |
D’Agata, Rosario |
5 |
Reasons persons and events of second world war |
Greppi, Italo |
5 |
Fortifications, castles and mansions over the centuries |
Plugaru, Gheorghe |
5 |
Moldova – My homeland |
Ardeleanu, Gheorghe |
5 |
Représentants illustres de la littérature française |
Doros, Vasile |
1 |
Célébrités féminines de la musique classique |
Iancovici, Leon |
5 |
The Leaders of the World (Part I: Monarchs and Nobility) |
Iancovici, Leon |
1 |
World War II – Causes |
Oanca, Gabriel |
1 |
Constantin Brancusi – Images et symboles de la sculpture |
Ribarski, Jan |
1 |
Faster than his shadow – Talicni Tom |
C9. ΑνοικτήΤάξη (OP)
Stephanou, Stephanos |
5 |
The Cyprus Government Railway (1905-1951). The route through stations, sidings and halts. |
Apostolopoulos, Vassilios |
5 |
To the footwear |
Agrafiotis, Vasilis |
2 |
Workers’ Olympiads |
Kanakakis, Stavros |
2 |
From ancient Olympia to the 1st contemporary Olympiad |
Mavidis, Charalambos |
4 |
The Greek fleet during the Balkan Wars 1912-1913 |
Sparis, George |
3 |
The Greek-Turkish war of 1897 |
Tsipidis, Michael |
5 |
The stamp dealers and the Greek philately 1890-1950 |
Bruno, Massimiliano |
5 |
Kicking up the past |
Polo, Pasquale |
5 |
Through the colors of the rainbow |
Ambrus, Francisc |
5 |
100 years of Romanian Commerce and Stock Exchange 1847-1947 |
Gemicioglu, Cuneyt |
5 |
A lifelong philatelist – Ismail Hakki Tevfik Okday |
L1. Φιλοτελική Φιλολογία (Βιβλία και ειδικές μελέτες) |
Nika, Thimjo |
Stamps and postal history of Albania |
Marino, Manuel Leonardo |
Historias con historia |
Pervan, Berislav |
Postanska cenzura u NDH – Postal Censorship in NDH (Independent State of Croatia) |
Shoukry, Ibrahim Ismail |
Egypt: The rural postal service (an introduction) |
Académie Européenne de philatélie |
Opus XV |
Académie Européenne de philatélie |
Opus XIV |
Académie Européenne de philatélie |
Opus XIII |
Aronis, Henri |
Histoire de la médecine bucco-dentaire au travers de la philatélie (et autre objets) |
Chauvet, Michèle |
Les tarifs helléniques des lettres internationales 1861-1878 |
Enke, Detlef |
Privatpost in Ostbrandenburg Band 08 |
Fritz, Rüdiger |
PdC. Pierre de Coubertin und die Olympia-Philatelie |
Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH & Co. KG |
Greece – Large Hermes Heads 1861-1886 – The Stavros Andreadis ‘Kassandra’ Collection |
Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH & Co. KG |
Principality of Serbia – The Predrag Antic Collection |
Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH & Co. KG |
Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic 1918-1923 – The Dr. Wolfgang Leupold Collection |
Maassen, Wolfgang |
Alfred Moschkau. Philatelist, heimatkundler und museumsgründer. Ein mann, der zur legende wurde |
Maassen, Wolfgang |
Bernd Juchert / W. Maassen (Editor): Brazil. Bull’s Eyes on cover |
Maassen, Wolfgang |
Heinrich Köhler and his successors |
Morgen, Peter N. |
Crete and the Aegean Islands – A forgotten war 1943-1945 |
Salzmann, Hans-Werner |
“Auch Helden haben Hunger” Feldpost der Verpflegungstruppen |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Colour Guide (Michel-Farbenführer) |
Calliga, Stephano A. |
The 20 Lepta ‘Large Hermes Head’ stamps of Greece / From legend to objective classification |
Calliga, Stephano A. |
The stamps of the Large Hermes Head – Early Athenian period 1861-1863 – Variety of impressions by four methods of printing – Chronological sequence & duration of printings – Quantities – Circulation |
Calliga, Stephano A. |
The stamps of the Large Hermes Head 1861-1886 – Overview – Precise depiction of the variety of impressions by four methods of printing – Sequence of printings |
Daes, Ioannis |
30 years of philatelic walks |
Daes, Ioannis |
A look at the administrative seals and markings of the General Post Office (1821-1901) |
Daes, Ioannis |
Incoming and outgoing international correspondence |
Daes, Ioannis |
The Ionian postal rates |
Kokonakis, Georgios |
Genuine and forged postal seals of Greek interest |
Leoussis, Pantelis |
Handbook of Thematic Philately |
Leoussis, Pantelis |
Music, theatre, dance |
Papathanassiou, Kyriakos |
Scholia and Observations on the Large Hermes Head of Greece 1861-1886 |
AICPM – Associazione Italiana Collezionisti Posta Militare |
1866. La terza guerra d’indipendenza. La posta militare italiana |
Barion, Giuseppe |
The Olympics tell the history through philatelic images |
CIFT – Centro Italiano di Filatelia Tematica |
Italia 150 |
CIFT – Centro Italiano di Filatelia Tematica |
La Costituzione Italiana attraverso la Filatelia Tematica – The Italian Constitution illustrated through the thematic philately |
CIFT – Centro Italiano di Filatelia Tematica |
La Divina Commedia attraverso la Filatelia Tematica – The Divine Comedy through the Thematic Philately |
De Simone, Francesco |
Il mio Santo protettore, Francesco di Paola |
Dicati, Renato |
Stamping through astronomy |
Leccese, Giorgio |
France 1, France 2, France 3, France 4: Unadopted proofs and essays |
Leccese, Giorgio |
Monaco: Unadopted proofs and essays |
Nicola Luciano Cipriani, Claudio Ernesto M. Manzati, Giovanbattista Spampinato |
Servizio prioritario |
Rigo, Franco |
Once upon a time …Venice 1848-1849 First Indipendence Italian War – In memory of 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy 1861-2011 |
UICOS – Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi |
Campionati Mondiali di Sci Alpino – 2 Vol. |
Vaccari srl |
Proofs, essays and reprints of the II and III issues of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Study and catalogue. |
Ciobanu, Constantin |
Postal and philatelic retrospective, vol. 4, Soviet Post in RSSM, 1940-1941, 1944-1991 |
Lu, David |
China: Airmails & Forerunners -The “DiaMond” Collection formed by May & David Lu |
Podolecki, Feliks Henryk |
Lwowska Dyrekcja Poczt i Telegrafów. Placówki pocztowe czynne w latach 1918-1939 |
Frazão, Luís Brito |
Portuguese pre-philately – Vol. I Postage stamps (handstruck and handwritten) used in mainland Portugal in the pre-stamp period (1799-1853) |
Frazão, Luís Brito |
Portuguese pre-philately – Vol. II Postage stamps (hanstruck and handwritten) used in Overseas Portuguese Territories in the pre-stamp period (1799-1886) |
Galveias, Francisco Matoso |
Firefighters in Portuguese philately |
Sousa, José Geada |
Ouro vermelho e filatelia |
Vaz Pereira, Pedro |
The Portuguese Post Office between 1853-1900 – Supplement I |
Kim, Seong Kwon |
Wagner in philately |
Nicolaie, Stan |
Symbiosis between perfin application on postmarks and mechanic franking |
Radovanović, Milan |
Allies and Serbs during Great War ( 1914-1915) – Silent witnesses |
De Quesada, Eugenio |
La leyenda de la Maja desnuda |
De Quesada, Eugenio |
Study of Telegraph stamps of Cuba |
FESOFI asi fue y asi es hoy |
Los correos mayores de Indias |
España colleccionista forum sellos fiscales y enteros postales |
David Feldman Auctions |
Belgique/Belgium 3. L’émission de 1865 (formed by Anatoly Karpov) |
David Feldman Auctions |
Kanai – Classic Japan – The Dragon and Cherry Blossom issues |
Pruhnickiy, Vasiliy Andrey |
Frog is a living indicator of nature |
Hughes, Philip J. |
Croatia 1941-1945 – Revenue issues |
L2. Φιλοτελική Φιλολογία (Κατάλογοι) |
Yvert et Tellier (Benoît Gervais directeur) |
Tome 1 France 2016 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Handbook “Bogenecken Deutsches Reich” (Corner sheets form the German Empire) |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Catalogue Germany 2015/2016 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel CEPT catalogue |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Europe Catalogue in 7 volumes |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Junior Catalogue 2015 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Overseas Catalogues in 10 volumes (18 parts – Part 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 8.2, 9.1, 9.2) |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Specialized Catalogue Austria 2015 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Specialized Catalogue Switzerland and LKB-Liechtenstein 2014/2015 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Thematic catalogue Automobiles – Whole World 2015 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Thematic catalogue Birds – Europe 2014/2015 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Thematic catalogue Butterflies – Whole World 2015 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Thematic catalogue Christmas – Whole World 2015 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Thematic catalogue Football – Whole World 2014 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel Thematic catalogue Railways – Whole World 2014/2015 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Michel USA Specialized Catalogue 2014 |
Tarassouleas, Costas |
Hermes 2013 – Catalogue of Greek stamps and postal history |
Vaccari srl |
Vaccari Prestige. Air mail from forerunners to space. The Enea collection. Public auction – sale catalogue n.83 – 14 December 2013 |
Buttigieg, Joseph |
The JB Catalogue of Malta Stamps and Postal History |
Le Club de Monte-Carlo |
MonacoPhil 2013 |
Radicevic, Mihailo |
Catalog of post stamps of Montenegro 1874-2011 |
Kwoka, Stanisław |
Datowniki Okolicznościowe 2002 -2003 |
Cojocar family |
Romanian revenues & cinderellas Catalogue |
Filatov, Sergey |
Catalog of the Exhibition “Russian Art and Culture” |
The publishing and trading centre “Marka” |
Signs of postal payment of the Russian Federation 2012-2014 (3 volumes) |
The publishing and trading centre “Marka” |
Signs of postal payment. Zemstvo, Venden. Postage stamps, postal stationery 1866-1919. Local issue of the Russian Empire 1845-1915. Russian post abroad 1863-1920. Local issues of the Civil War time 1918-1923. The Tuvan People’s Republic 1926-1944. Local issues of the Russian Federation 1992-2006. (2 volumes) |
ISFILA 2014 Turkish stamps catalogue 1863-2013 |
L3. Φιλοτελική Φιλολογία (Περιοδικά) |
Sociedad Filatelica de Chile |
Chile Filatelico |
Croatian Philatelic Federation |
Croatian Philately 1-4/2014 |
Croatian Philatelic Society Zadar |
Zadarski filatelist |
Glavic, Matej |
Almanah 1994-2009 |
Pervan, Berislav |
Acta Philatelica Nova 2014 – Croatian Philatelic Almanac |
AD Macedonian post |
Postage stamps 2014 |
De Jong, Kasper |
ArGe Bulgaria Rundbrief / Newsletter No. 30 |
Maassen, Wolfgang |
Phila Historica |
Maassen, Wolfgang |
Philatelie |
Maassen, Wolfgang |
The Philatelic Journalist |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH |
Wertvolles Sammeln (Valuable collecting) |
Hellenic Philatelic Federation |
Philatelic Chronicles |
Hellenic Philotelic Society |
Philotelia vol. 91 (2014) |
Panehellenic Society of Thematic Philately |
The Thematic Philatelist |
Philatelic Society of Athens |
To Grammatossimo |
Philatelic Society of Lesvos |
Philatelic Lesvos |
Union des Collectionneurs Grecs des Cartes Maximum |
Maximaphilie |
Kleiner, Yehuda |
Holy Land Postal History Journal |
AICPM – Associazione Italiana Collezionisti Posta Militare |
Posta militarte e storia postale |
Batistini, Alviero |
Il Notiziario Tematico |
Cavallaro, Umberto |
Ad*Astra |
UICOS – Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici e Sportivi |
Phila-Sport 2014-2015 |
Vaccari srl |
Vaccari Magazine 2014 (n.51+52) + analytical index 1989-2013 |
Bonnici, Alfred |
The Malta Philatelic Society Journal |
Hillesum, René |
Filatelie vol. 92 (2014) |
Postzegelvereniging Griekenland |
Bulletin Hermes |
Associação Filatelia e Coleccionismo do Vale do Neiva |
Vale do Neiva Filatélico |
The publishing and trading centre “Marka” |
Philately 2014 |
Barać, Goran |
Collector |
FD Ljubljana |
Filatelisticni Zbornik XXIV/2014 |
El Eco Filatelico |
Fricks, Ernest |
Collectors Club Philatelist vol. 93 2014 |
Y1. Τάξη Νεότητας (Εκθέτες 10-15 ετών) |
Akrap, Jakov Dominik |
2 |
The cities of my childhood |
Kujundzic, Valentina |
1 |
Turtles |
Antoniou, Ioanna |
3 |
Birds: Masters of the skies |
Constantinou, Elpida |
3 |
Animals life on earth with maximum cards |
Fotiou, Maria |
3 |
China the great country (maximum cards) |
Thrasivoulou, Eleftheria |
1 |
Ballet, expression of human body and soul |
Pron, Tanguy |
3 |
The “rooster of Decaris” issue (France 1962-1967) |
Doros, Calin Gabriel |
1 |
Des Roumains renommés en France |
Pušnik, Neža |
3 |
An apple, frequently praised in myths and legends; An apple a day keeps the doctor away |
Akan, Yasemin |
3 |
Advertising and postal labels of Turkey |
Y2. Τάξη Νεότητας (Εκθέτες 16-18 ετών) |
Mihailova, Evelina Ivanova |
4 |
Bulgaria – Special postal services 1879-1946 |
Hamelin, Achille |
3 |
French airmail postage stamps from 1984 to 1997 |
Gisbert Llacer, Miriam |
3 |
Valencian prephilatelic marks XVII-XVIII century |
Romero, Ana |
3 |
The water: source of life |
Akar, Rüya Yasemin |
4 |
Turkısh sea mail |
Y3. Τάξη Νεότητας (Εκθέτες 19-21 ετών) |
Bilandzic, Branimir |
4 |
500th anniversary of discovery of America and Christopher Columbus |
Pereira, Susana Ramos |
5 |
Emission base “Popular Portuguese architecture 1985-1989” |
Rodriguez, Pablo Lopez |
4 |
Cancellations: spains 1850-1950 |