New deadlines – Amended IREX

In times when everyone is wondering “when” we are getting back in business with exhibiting as we knew it before the pandemic, the least the OC could offer was to push back all NOTOS 2021 important deadlines. The most critical for the exhibitors is the one for their Entry Forms, which was moved from 28 February to 31 May 2021.

Another fair decision of the OC applies to exhibits that have achieved 95 points or more in national exhibitions. These exhibits may apply for participation in NOTOS 2021 for 8 frames, even if they have no prior FIP or FEPA qualification. The decision was based on the fact that during the pandemic, for almost one and a half year, all FIP exhibitions have been either cancelled or postponed to a later date.

These and a few more amendments to the IREX are incorporated in its new version 2, published in September 2020 and already uploaded on the website (Menu: The Show > Regulations).

Click here to open the amended IREX.