FIP Recognition Agreement signed in Paris and Athens
On Wednesday 2 December, the FIP Recognition Agreement was signed. Because of the cancellation of all major philatelic events for so many months in the past and in the near future, it was decided that each of the parties involved will sign the Agreement in each own place of residence. So, Bernard Jimenez, the FIP Vice-President and Liaison Officer for NOTOS 2021 signed it in Paris, while Pantelis Leoussis, Hellenic Philatelic Federation President, and Costas Chazapis, Head of NOTOS 2021 OC signed it in Athens.
The FIP had granted their Recognition to the Hellenic Philatelic Federation and NOTOS 2021 OC on 11 October 2018 in Santiago, Chile.

NOTOS 2021 welcomes the FEPA Congress in Athens
A few years back, we had the pleasure and honour to host the FEPA Congress in Athens. It was the closing day of NOTOS 2015, our first attempt to stage a major international exhibition.
Next year we shall be honoured to welcome for a second time the delegates and the attendants of the European Federations. The upcoming FEPA Congress is scheduled to take place in Athens on 23 November 2021, following the closure of NOTOS 2021. In view of the cancellation of this year’s Congress, it is understandable that we …can’t wait!
The venue and date of next year’s Congress were confirmed in today’s video conference meeting between the FEPA Board and the European Federations.
New deadlines – Amended IREX
In times when everyone is wondering “when” we are getting back in business with exhibiting as we knew it before the pandemic, the least the OC could offer was to push back all NOTOS 2021 important deadlines. The most critical for the exhibitors is the one for their Entry Forms, which was moved from 28 February to 31 May 2021.
Another fair decision of the OC applies to exhibits that have achieved 95 points or more in national exhibitions. These exhibits may apply for participation in NOTOS 2021 for 8 frames, even if they have no prior FIP or FEPA qualification. The decision was based on the fact that during the pandemic, for almost one and a half year, all FIP exhibitions have been either cancelled or postponed to a later date.
These and a few more amendments to the IREX are incorporated in its new version 2, published in September 2020 and already uploaded on the website (Menu: The Show > Regulations).
Click here to open the amended IREX.
A special evening
In the hospitable offices of one of NOTOS 2021’s Supporters, Boss Informatics, in Nea Smyrni, Athens, on Monday evening of 29 June, the 3rd “NOTOS’ friends” annual gathering took place via video conference.

Front row left: A. Virvilis, I. Chalvatzidopoulos, L. Chazapis
The live briefings by the O.C. members and the video addresses of the exhibition partners were planned in advance to be roughly two minutes each. Thus, the function was concluded in no more than one hour.
Starting the presentation, the HPS President, I. Chalvatzidopoulos, welcomed the participants, announcing that the exhibition is now under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou.
Next, followed:
● C. Chazapis, Technology & Partners
● L. Chazapis, Peristeri Exhibition Centre
● Address by Andreas Pachatouridis, Mayor of Peristeri
● N. Mallouchos, Hellenic Post
● Address by George Konstantopoulos, CEO Hellenic Post
● C. Chazapis, A lot more than one exhibition
● N. Mallouchos, NOTOS 2021- Collectables
● C. Gikas, Social program
● A. Virvilis, The typographic plates of the Large Hermes Heads
● Address by Manolis Georgoudakis, Philatelic and Postal Museum
● A. Virvilis, The Genesis of the Hellenic Post, General State Archives
● Address by Ms. Amalia Pappa, Deputy General Director of the General State Archives
● N. Mallouchos, The Genesis of the Hellenic Post, National and Historical Museum
● C. Gikas, Presentations program
● A. Virvilis, The Great Encounter of the Solferinos
● C. Chazapis, Organising Committee
● N. Mallouchos, Hermes Club, Donors
● C. Chazapis, A. Karamitsos Major Sponsor
● Address by Asteris Karamitsos, A. Karamitsos International Auctions
● C. Chazapis, Appeal for donations
The President of the Society, I. Chalvatzidopoulos concluded the meeting thanking the participants, urging exhibitors to participate in the exhibition and wishing all a good summer.
29 June: 3rd “NOTOS friends” annual gathering
This year’s NOTOS meeting is going to be different from the ones we had in 2018 and 2019, as a result of the confinement measures. In a few weeks, the 3rd “NOTOS friends” annual gathering will take place in our laptops or tablets.
The organisers will outline the main points of the NOTOS 2021 roadmap and express their gratitude to the NOTOS 2021 donors and supporters. In between, the viewers will be able to watch the principal exhibition partners in short videos addressing the audience.
The highlights of the evening will include a number of significant announcements, which shouldn’t be missed. So please save the date and, when the time comes, have your interpreter available (as the entire event will be in Greek), pour yourself a favourite drink and join the meeting!
Monday 29 June 2020, 7:00 pm (Athens time)
1 April: We are opening the entry forms and a window of optimism
These days we are tormented by an invisible enemy, which has derailed our habits and our priorities, and which has forced us to question our future plans. But we are optimistic that this threat will soon be eliminated. In a few months today’s nightmare will be a thing of the past.
We are therefore pushing ahead with the same passion in our preparations of NOTOS 2021. The online software for the submission of the entry forms will open on 1 April, exactly as planned.
The relevant link is: https://cometonotos.hps.gr
All pertinent details and regulations have been posted on the pages of the exhibition’s website. Exhibitors from Europe can consult their National Commissioner. Exhibitors from other parts of the world are welcome to contact the General Commissioner.
Our thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones and with those fighting daily, and nightly, on the front line in hospitals.
Let us be cautious, patient and optimistic!
And of course, we Stay At Home!
NOTOS 2021 software is ready – Important dates
The first part of the software or the online registration platform for anyone involved in NOTOS 2021 is ready. This brand new software was developed in its entirety by our team of volunteers.
The link will be sent by the Organising Committee to the European Philatelic Federations next Thursday along with the invitation to appoint a National Commissioner and propose Jury members for NOTOS 2021.
Important dates:
16 January 2020: Launch of the software and opening of the registration for National Commissioners and Jurors.
1 April 2020: Opening of the submission of entry forms by the exhibitors.
Later on and when available: Submission of travel details by anyone wishing to be in Athens during the exhibition.

The users are called to sign in using either one of four options
(Google, Twitter, Facebook or a local account).