May 27 – June 3, 2006
Awards on exhibits of HPS members or of Greek philatelic interest

N. Asimakopulos (USA) Greece: Large Hermes Heads 1861-1886 TR
S. Andreadis The “Kassandra” collection (Large Hermes Heads) TR 97
Aghis Papadopoulos The Small Hermes Heads of Greece TR 95
W. Bauer (Germany) Greece – Large Hermes Heads 1861-1867 and combination covers TR 95
C. Mattheos Large Hermes Heads of Greece used for newspapers, magazines, books and printed matter (1861-1886) TR 91
A. Virvilis The role of health offices and lazarets in Greece PH 90
W. J. Liaskas (Canada) Stampless and classic period covers to and from the Ionian islands 1501-1900 PH 90
A. Kosmidis Samos 1821-1945 LI 88
L. Basel (USA) The forty lepta Large Hermes Head stamps of Greece LI 87
A. Virvilis Handbook of Hellenic philately LI 85
N. Asimakopulos (USA) The first Greek stamp LI 84
E. Koutsikas Hellenic administration of Dedeagatch OF 83
Hellenic Philatelic Society Philotelia LI 81
F. Paschos The post office of my home town Thessaloniki 1912-1950 YU 80
M. Petradakis I fiscali del Dodecaneso LI 80
C. Chazapis Winds of war OF 76
Philatelic Society of Lesvos Philatelic Lesvos LI 72
C. Agorastos Revenue stamps of Eastern Rumelia OF 71
S. Bosovitch Diplomatic pouch mail relating to Greece OF 71
G. Sparis The first Olympic Games 1896 commemorative issue LI 71
A. Karamitsos Stamp catalogue “Hellas 2006” LI 70
Ν. Bergiopoulos Catalogue-Study of Greek commemorative cancellations 1969-1980 LI 68

(TR) Traditional Philately, (PH) Postal History, (PS) Postal Stationery, (ΑΕ) Aerophilately, (TH) Thematic Philately, (ΜΑ) Maximaphily, (RE) Revenues, (YU) Youth, (LI) Philatelic Literature, (OC) Open Class, (OF) One Frame