On the threshold of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Hellenic Philatelic Society, this may sound unconventional. However, there is something we have been discussing intensely among ourselves in recent years, and perhaps the time has come to say it out loud.
The Hellenic Philatelic Society is not just a philatelic society. Its core is not the study and research of philatelic matters. From its earliest days, its focus has always been on human relationships. Philately was merely the common ground.
This claim is eloquently reflected in the reply letter of appreciation from the Honorary Editor of Philotelia, Costas Chazapis, as he received the Hellenic Philatelic Society Medal for 2024. We highlight the following words from his letter: “…I have had, and still have, the good fortune to be part of a circle of rare friends…”
If we seek the reason behind the longevity and resilience of the Hellenic Philatelic Society over time, it is none other than the human bonds that were formed from the very moment of its founding—bonds that transcended philately and continue to inspire younger generations. As a result, today, with emotion and pride, we not only celebrate 100 years of existence but, with the same momentum and vigour, stand ready to welcome our next 100 years.