The ink has barely dried on a piece in the “Philatelic News” column of the latest issue of Philotelia (No. 746), where we mentioned the ongoing exhibition of counterfeit artworks currently taking place in Thessaloniki. The world of art is similar to that of philately, and beyond the expertise of specialists and knowledgeable collectors, science and technology have played a decisive role in resolving disputes over questionable items.
The forgeries can hold some of the most fascinating stories, adding a hidden allure that should not be overlooked. It represents a significant field of philatelic research that must be approached with integrity and without prejudice.
In this issue, a philatelic controversy concerning an item presented by P. Ioannidis in Philotelia nearly 40 years ago has been definitively resolved with scientific tools. However, we must not forget that the most crucial factor remains the human part—the determination and courage to seek the truth.
Let us see this as progress in our field and take it as an example to learn from.