“Philotelia” magazine

Help us to improve!

Dear members, we would like to thank you for honouring us with your subscription and supporting the work of the Hellenic Philatelic Society.

The current year, 2023, marks an important anniversary for the Hellenic Philatelic Society, the completion of 100 years of continuous publication of the magazine “Philotelia”.

“Philotelia” is the world’s 8th oldest (still being published) philatelic magazine, with an international reputation, as expressed by its awards in International Philatelic Exhibitions.

This is not a cause for complacency, but it is a driving force for its further improvement.

“Philotelia” has already begun this effort, further upgrading its articles, firmly committed to its steadfast goal, that of providing quality of information and the spreading of philatelic knowledge.

In this effort “Philotelia” needs the assistance of its readers and the members of the H.P.S. in order to be able to reach out to wider audiences, which nowadays stands as a common goal of International Philately.

In the context of a wider openness, the views, opinion and knowledge of all our members are essential for us to celebrate the Centenary of the publication of “Philotelia” magazine in the most meaningful way, that of continuing our tradition with ever better content.

In this context and in our effort to become better, we would like you to spend some of your time by completing the following questionnaire.

Your opinion and comments are valuable to us.


Philotelia’s alternative subscription: Digital version (pdf file)

We are pleased to announce that, from 2023, “Philotelia” is alternatively available in digital (pdf) version for all members, regardless of their place of residence. This version, entirely in colour, with high-resolution images to zoom-in and the additional possibilities of search or copy/paste and translate if necessary, is available as annual subscription at €30.00.

For further convenience, at the end of each year, the subscriber to the digital edition will receive the annual volume of “Philotelia” in a single pdf file.



Please send your reply until 28 February 2023 online at https://hps.gr/index.php/en/q2022, or its printout to our address hps@hps.gr or by surface mail at: Hellenic Philatelic Society, 57 Academias str., GR-10679 Athens, Greece.

The members who send the questionnaire will receive gratis the pdf files of the 2021 and 2022 volumes of  “Philotelia”.

With our best wishes for the New Year!
The Administrative Council of the Hellenic Philatelic Society