May 10-15, 2005, Brno, Czech Republic
Awards on exhibits of HPS members or of Greek philatelic interest

Aghis Papadopoulos The Small Hermes Heads of Greece TR 92
R. Wightman (Switzerland) The postal history of the Northern Aegean islands PH 90
G. Sparis Commemorative issue of the first Olympic Games, Athens 1896 TR 88
F. Paschos The post office of my home town Thessaloniki 1912-1950 YU 88
O. Vlastos Ltd. Stamp catalogue “Vlastos – Greece” LI 88
A. Paschos Military post offices in Thessaloniki 1895-1950 PH 86
F. Keramidoglou The revenues of Thrace 1920-1922 OF 87
A. Galinos Thrace Interallie Occidentale 1919-1920 OF 85
A. Paschos Ottoman railways of Macedonia 1873-1912 OF 84
F. Kalocsai (Hungary) Olympic issues of Greece 1896 and 1906 TR 82
E. Mavrides Olympic Games 1896 TR 82
P. Leoussis National anthems and patriotic songs TH 82
J. Daes The Athens postal cancellations LI 78
A. Virvilis Handbook of Hellenic philately LI 77
M. Rozhon (Czech Republic) Foreign post offices in Crete OF 78
C. Agorastos Revenue stamps of Eastern Rumelia OF 78
S. Bosovitch Diplomatic pouch mail related to Greece OF 78
O. Vlastos Ltd. Stamp catalogue “Vlastos – New Hellenic territories” LI 73
G. Sparis The first Olympic Games 1896 commemorative issue LI 73
Ν. Bergiopoulos Catalogue-Study of Greek commemorative cancellations 1969-1980 LI 72
Hellenic Philatelic Society Philotelia LI 72
Hellenic Philatelic Society of Thessaloniki Philatelic news LI 72
O. Vlastos Ltd. Stamp catalogue “Vlastos – Cyprus” LI 72
D. Douzos A tourist’s voyage to Greece MA 68
Panhellenic Society of Thematic Philately Thematic philatelist LI 67
G. Douzos The life of Jesus Christ on earth YU 65

(TR) Traditional Philately, (PH) Postal History, (PS) Postal Stationery, (ΑΕ) Aerophilately, (TH) Thematic Philately, (ΜΑ) Maximaphily, (RE) Revenues, (YU) Youth, (LI) Philatelic Literature, (OC) Open Class, (OF) One Frame